Welcome to my art gallery

Life is art and without art life is meaningless and has no color.
art is a way to make your soul grow, and the important thing that you have is you! so try to sing or dance or draw or play music instrument or build.. just try something in art.
"Execution on a cold day"
A window to hope..
hope for tomorrow.. for life.. for liberty..
for love.. for rebuilding..
he goes to the street and shouts for liberty..
he is arrested and taken to prison
after a lot of torture in prison, he is executed.
He was a young man who wanted to make his life with love..
who had a dream to improve and change his country..
and imagine a mother who waits for him, with a heart full of grief
on a cold winter day..
untill he is pardoned from execution then released from prison and comes back home..
A mother that spends the whole night crying for her son..
and the next morning they give her the news
of her son's execution.
(Iran has the highest number of execution in the world.)
Pencil on paper

"Dream of freedom"
All people deserve freedom and the key of that is courage, so It's better to fight for freedom then be a slave to others and do whatever they want from you. I painted this picture in September 2022 when a young girl in Iran named Mahsa Amini was killed by the Islamic Republic for a few strands of hair sticking out of her scarf. And then a lot of people in Iran protested against that and also fought for liberty, and then many people were killed, arrested, blinded and executed by the Islamic Republic in these demonstrations. In this painting, which is a digital painting and painted with Photoshop, you can see the map of Iran, the woman is the face of Iran and is like a mother that is losing her children. Her chest shows the Persian colorful tiles, and on her hand is written: Mahsa Amini in Persian. The colors of the hands are the colors of flag of Iran. The woman standing on the left is Vida Movahed, the first woman who took off her hijab and held it like a flag as a sign of protest against the compulsary hijab. The white pigeon is a symble of freedom that is in captivity.
Digital painting
Painted with Photoshop
Contact Me
If you are interested in my art and would like to make a conversation with me, or if you have any question about my art you can just write me.
If you would like to speak with me about having me in an upcoming exhibition or
in your physical gallery space, please include details in your message such as
location and time information.
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